The Budget Law has introduced important news on the subject of Individual Saving Plans.

In fact, the obligation for individual savings plans to invest 3% of the assets in companies listed on the AIM of the Italian Stock Exchange, the market dedicated to SMEs and also to startups, has been introduced.

This would allow access to all those organizations that most need capital.

The Individual Saving Plans were introduced into the Italian legal system with the Stability Law of 2017, with the aim of directing the private savings of Italians by channeling the investment towards Italian companies. The idea of ​​allocating 3% of the assets to SMEs, in instruments not traded on regulated markets or in the trading systems of small and medium-sized companies, would be a more specific constraint that would be added in addition to the 70% share already constrained by regulations in force.


This decision, however, takes place concurrently with another, which instead seems to strongly curb the issuance of new Individual Saving Plans.

In fact, starting from January this financing instrument for companies will have to comply with the conditions of the European regulations on aid to SMEs.

The implementation decree is expected within 4 months, so the issuance of new Individual Saving Plans will presumably remain until April.

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